"The book is a sort of allegory on life I believe, It is her hope that it will appeal equally to children and adults alike. Each finding their own level of interpretation. It seems, for the unsuspecting reader,there could be a semi spiritual journey lying in wait amongst the pages of “Fairies and Strawberries”. A chance to tap into a new and original set of life values; a very different take on a much told story..... "


"Fairies and Strawberries is a book which appealed to me both by its title and its cover : fresh, colourful and intriguing, it called the little child in me to look at it, out of curiosity. I discovered a sequence of novels featuring fairies, animals and insects, showing us in each short story, a different personality shortcoming which we probably encountered in our own lives or will, as an adult. All have an underlying philosophical meaning and show us through the medium of a tale, the importance of watching these around us, or in us and to correct it for building a better world. A rainbow of emotions and wisdom is to be found through this beautiful book which I am sure, will reach out to all the corners of your heart, whether you are a little or a big monster!"


the origin of the name/ A origem do nome

It was precisely on September 15h, 2006  when according to my records, this story started.

The inspiration came one afternoon when Mark Jamie Jane's father, visited me. He told about his mother’s intention to make a nice surprise to his daughter, or her little granddaughter which was only 8 years old.

Jamie Jane would have left a strawberry in the garden last night, instructed by her grandma Marilyn who said that a fairy would collect the fruit before the sunrise. As predicted, in the following morning, the strawberry wasn’t there anymore, but  little Jamie was not sure if the fairy had collected the gift.

 So I was called to intercede on behalf of the fairy.

 It would be a nice picture of the fairy on the front and a hand written letter on the back.

 Foi precisamente no dia 15 de Setembro de 2006 quando, de acordo com meus documentos, toda esta história começou.
A inspiração chegou numa tarde quando Mark, pai da menina Jamie Jane veio me visitar. ele contou sobre a intenção de sua mãe em fazer uma surpresa para a neta dela, que naquela ocasião, tinha apenas 8 anos de idade.
Jamie Jane deixou um morango no jardim em uma noite,de acordo com a avó Marilyn,  uma fada viria apanhar a fruta antes do nascer do sol. Como previsto, na manhã seguinte, o morango não estava mais lá, mas a pequena Jamie Jane ainda não estava certa se a fada teria mesmo achado o presente.

Então fui chamada para interceder.

Seria então uma linda foto da fada na frente e uma carta escrita à mão no verso.

Now and again I’m able to remember the feeling of being a messenger for a so important mission.

I’ve got a pen and started to tell Jamie Jane how was the fairy’s journey coming from a very far land just to collect the gift, and how happy all her mates were when she got back home with a so delightful dessert. All that was written in first person.

 Agora e mais uma vez consigo lembrar da sensação de ser mensageira 
de uma missão tão importante.

Peguei uma caneta e comecei a contar à Jamie Jane como tinha sido a viagem da fada vinda de um lugar muito distante só para receber o presente, 
e de como todas suas companheiras fadas ficaram felizes 
quando ela retornou trazendo aquela deliciosa sobremesa. 
Tudo escrito em primeira pessoa.

September 15th, 2006

After the first letter something happened and I could not avoid the inner desire to keep writing and illustrating that story called 'Fairies and Strawberries', which is not about strawberries left in the garden for a fairy, but it is about fairies and even a strawberry plays a big role in it.

One year later, it was time for another strawberry to be given, and time to write another letter:

Depois da primeira carta algo aconteceu, e não pude mais evitar a vontade de continuar escrevendo e ilustrando a ficção chamada 'Fadas e Morangos', 
que não fala sobre um morango deixado em um jardim para uma fada, 
mas sobre fadas com certeza e até um morango faz parte também.

Um ano mais tarde, seria hora de um outro morango ser oferecido, 
e hora de escrever uma nova carta:

October 09th, 2007

Anyway it would be the first and last time I would illustrate a fairy. 
I'm sure they live better in our imagination.

De qualquer forma esta foi a primeira e última vez que ilustrei uma fada. 
Tenho certeza que elas são mais vivas em nossa imaginação.